The Purpose!
When our children were growing up, things were very different! At that time also many activities filled the Christmas season. Before Christmas, I used to bake cakes and had some savouries made at home by a helper. But we never decorated the house. Our activities involved inviting different groups of people to our home to share the Christmas joy with food and gifts. People healed of skin ailments were invited for breakfast and distributed gifts. We celebrated the joy of Christmas with our study center children and gave them gifts. Selecting and buying gifts for each group and missionaries by itself used to be a time-consuming task. All the activities spread through the whole month of December, and then the day of Christmas was one of peace! I thank God for allowing us to be a channel of His blessing to many!
Our whole life on this earth is, in a way, preparation for the second coming of Christ! What we do with the God-given talents, education, position, money, and other resources is important to God. Whatever we have should be used as a platform to proclaim Christ, and Christ alone, for we do not have anything that God did not give. The Lord has told us what He expects from us. "He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"(Micah 6:8). We cannot live the way we want, thinking that we can change at the last moment. The time of His coming or our home-call is entirely unknown. The Bible says in Matthew 16:27 "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works."
My friend, let us think of all those suffering around us and try to be a channel of God's blessing in their life. It should not be something we do around the Christmas season alone. It should become our life-style. Praying for others, presenting the love of Christ, and helping those in need should be the purpose of our life on earth. Every day of our life, we have to remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross and look forward to His return in glory!
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