The Real Man

Nov 20, 2018 By Hephzibah Stephen

Raymonds advertises about becoming a ‘complete man’ by wearing their suits. The beauty industry promotes products to pamper the ‘real you’ to make you look more beautiful! The fitness industry and the garment industry also thrive on the outward looks of a person. We may do many things on the outside to look beautiful and acceptable in our society, but who are we really on the inside, the real you and me?

All through life we put up many faces. We put up a friendly smile even when we hate the person. Some are very good with colleagues and friends but very unkind to their spouse and children. While the friends and colleagues think that person is an angel, the people at home will think that person is a devil. Who are we really? How can we know the real you and me!

What we do when no one is watching will tell us who we really are. When we are with our friends, if we know for sure what we do within that group will never be known outside, what do we do? What do we think in our hearts when we meet people, that is who we really are. On the outside, we may be going to church and doing all the right things but that is not who we really are. People around us may think we are saints. But what people think is not going to take us to heaven. Who we really are is who we are in our private thoughts and in our very personal life. Unfortunately, while we can fool everyone around us, we cannot fool God!

King David must have thought that his sin with Bathsheba, known only to a few of his close associates, was completely hidden. But God told Prophet Nathan and sent him to David with a message. David understood God in a different way that day! David understood God’s expectation of him. In Psalm 51:6, David says, “Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts…”David understood that God requires a clean heart and that nothing is ever hidden from God!

My friend, take time to understand who you really are today. If the real ‘you’ is not acceptable in the sight of God, do not delay to repent and return to the Lord. God is merciful and He alone is able to forgive us. May the Lord give us the courage to face reality and empower us to be true in everything!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 20th November 2018 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 21st November 2018

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