The Robe of Righteousness

Sep 13, 2022 By Hephzibah Stephen

Jesus taught many essential truths by way of parables.  Parables are small stories drawn from the daily life of the Jews of Jesus' time, focussing on one truth.  In the parable of the wedding feast, Jesus tells the story of a king whose son was getting married.  The King sent out many wedding invitations, but not a single guest showed up on the big day.  When the King sent out his servants to find out what was happening with the guests, they found them unwilling to go.  The King was furious and sent the servants out again to invite anyone they saw on the streets to the wedding.  Then the wedding was full of guests.  It was a custom in those days for the bridegroom to send a wedding garment to the guests.  So when one man showed up at the wedding without the wedding garment, it meant he had not valued the gift of the bridegroom sent with the invitation.  And he was cast out!  (Matthew 22:1-14).

What was Jesus trying to teach through this parable?

The Jews refused to accept Jesus even though they were the ones expecting the Messiah.  The banquet was extended to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles.  Even among the others, only those willing to accept the terms of the King's invitation were allowed to participate in the wedding banquet.  The man who did not have the wedding garment on was cast out into outer darkness.  Likewise, when we stand before the King on the judgment day, we cannot stand there by our merit, for the Bible says all our righteousness are like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6).  The general call of the gospel goes out to everyone, calling everyone to repent of their sins and put their trust in Jesus Christ.  But not everyone who hears the good news believes in Jesus Christ.  Unless we are clothed with the garment of salvation, clothed in the righteousness of Jesus, we cannot stand before the King of Kings!

My friend, Jesus is all you need to live on earth and face the judgment day, provided we are clothed in His righteousness!  Let today be the day of salvation.  Let us respond to the gospel call and put on the Robe of Righteousness.  The blood of Jesus covers all sins and makes us worthy to stand before the King.  

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