The Secret Place of the Most High!

Sep 05, 2017 By Hephzibah Stephen

Hannah More says, "To preach privileges without specifying to whom they belong is like putting a letter in the post office without a direction or an address. It may be very good and contain a very valuable remittance, but no one can tell for whom it is intended”. If we carefully see all the promises of Scripture, we can see that they are plainly directed to those to whom they belong.

The direction put upon the promises of this Psalm 91 is unmistakably clear. The blessings of this Psalm are directed to the one who dwells in the secret place of the Most High(v1) and the one who has made the Most High his dwelling place (V9).

It is not because he is without sin or because he has perfectly kept all the commandments. It is not because he has merit and deserves to be delivered and guarded. It is only because with all the imperfections and shortcomings, he has made God, his dwelling place!

What does it mean to make the Most High, our dwelling place?

‘Dwelling place’ is the habitat of a living being. A Frog that lives in a marsh may venture outside the marsh for some time, for something. But it will always go back to its habitat for that is its natural dwelling place. One who dwells in the secret place of the Most High is not one who occasionally enters the Presence of God, based on his needs. He is one who has made His Presence, his constant hope and comfort! The outer court worshippers little know of what belongs to the inner sanctuary worshippers. The Psalmist captures the yearning of such a heart beautifully in Psalm 42:1 “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God”.

My friend, let us examine our hearts today. Have we made His Presence our dwelling place? Do we find joy and comfort in His Presence? Only when we long for His Presence and enjoy His Presence like the Psalmist, we can say that we have made the Most High our dwelling place!

Many look towards the inner sanctuary and the mercy seat, yet sadly, all do not ‘dwell’ in the Most Holy place. The blessings promised here are not for all believers; but only for those who live in close fellowship with God!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 6th September 2017 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 6th September 2017

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