The Seven Blessings of Revelation

Jun 01, 2021 By Hephzibah Stephen

Many consider the Book of Revelation a scary book or a complex book that cannot be understood.  Not that I know everything, but I believe we have to make an effort to understand it since the Lord has given it to us.  When I read the book during my quiet time, the seven blessings or beatitudes embedded in this apocalyptic literature struck me! Revelation's message tells the church and the tribulation saints that they need to be happy because of their position in Christ.  In his Exegetical Notes on the book of Revelation, David Fields says that the seven beatitudes of Revelation are placed there by the Holy Spirit to encourage us. If we see things the way God sees them, we will get a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ even amid the trial and tribulation.  Revelation directs our attention to Jesus Christ, what He has done, how He is currently at work in the world, and what He will do shortly! 

David Fields says we have to take the beatitudes two by two to understand their message. The first pair, beatitudes one and six, is about reading, hearing and keeping the words of the prophecy. The second pair, beatitudes two and five, is about the death and rest, the martyrdom and resurrection of the faithful. The third pair, beatitudes three and four, is about the naked city-harlot and the finely-robed city-bride. The message and the demand are apparent: listen to and obey the words of Revelation. Do so even unto death, and you will come to the rest-reign of the faithful. We find the seventh beatitude in Revelation 22:14, "Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city."  Jesus told the churches that He was coming quickly and that He will give every one according to his or her work.  His imminent return calls for immediate action!

My friend, unless we are washed by the blood of Jesus and justified by faith, our names will not be written in the Book of Life.  This faith has to be expressed in our obedience to the Word.  Remember, only such an obedient overcomer will have access to the tree of life and will enter the City of God.  May the Lord help us to hear and obey. ​

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