The Tragedy of Missing Christmas!

Dec 12, 2017 By Hephzibah Stephen

I am convinced that there are many people who miss Christmas every year. It is not as though they are physically absent. It is simply that they are oblivious to the real meaning of Christmas. Christmas has been hijacked as a season of gifts, carol services and Church pageants that the real reason for the season has been completely missed!

It was census time in Bethlehem and the city was filled with the descendants of David. The Innkeeper was so pre-occupied that he truly missed the birth of Jesus. The Pharisees who were thorough with every prophecy concerning the birth of Jesus just did not recognize the event.

When the shepherds heard the good news, they immediately took action. They wanted to see Jesus. God saw their heart’s desire and gave a special sign to them. The Bible says in Luke 2:10, “And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” When the wise men wanted to see Jesus, God sent a star to guide them.

The true meaning of Christmas is that it is the season of salvation. Christmas is all about meeting Jesus. It is not about wearing new clothes or decorating the house or hanging a star on the porch or lighting up the house. Harriet Heine wrote these lines about Christmas:
If there had been no Christmas morn,
No Christ Child in a manger born,
No shepherds watching in the night,
No angel song, no star of light
Then there would be no hope today
For this old world where sin holds sway.
The world around is looking for Jesus. The world around needs Jesus.

My friend, the question facing us this Christmas season is, have we met this Jesus in our life and if we have, can the people around us find Jesus in and through our life?

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 12th December 2017 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 13th December 2017

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