The expression, 'the glass is half-full, or half-empty, has existed in many European languages for centuries. But it was popularized by some management gurus to distinguish between optimists and pessimists much later. Pessimism is a character trait, and the Bible has a lot to say about the source of this negative trait. Always focusing on the negatives and ignoring all the positives in life directly results from an ungrateful heart. While Paul warned Timothy of the kind of people he should avoid in 2 Tim 3:1-5, he included ungrateful people also. Ungratefulness is mentioned alongside other sins, like idolatry and sexual immorality, and is worthy of hell. Ungratefulness is a deal breaker in relationships. It is one of the main reasons for conflict in the families too. I think always focusing on the negative makes way to depression because such a person has nothing to be happy about. A person who can be thankful for little things is happy, and they can make those around them also happy! No wonder God put a lot of stress on giving thanks.
The Bible says, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thess. 5:16-18). Ingratitude is a sin with severe repercussions. God takes gratefulness and ungratefulness seriously. After being liberated from slavery in Egypt, the people grumbled about how they had to eat manna in the wilderness (Numbers 11:4-6). God rebuked the ungratefulness of the Israelites. In Luke 17:11-19, we read the account of Jesus healing ten lepers, but only one returned to thank Jesus. Ungrateful people take what they have as their entitlement and feel no need to pay back or be thankful for it. Ungratefulness greatly and negatively influences not just relationships but our emotional health also. Gratitude is essential for happiness. A grateful heart is a happy heart. Life is not a bed of roses for anyone. Those thankful for what they have can survive and make the best of what they have! They say while gratitude is the queen of the virtues, ingratitude is the king of the vices! No wonder God wants us to be grateful for every little thing we have!
My friend, let us not be like the person grumbling at his old shoes until he saw a man without feet! Let us thank God with a grateful heart. Let us look at the positive things in our spouse, children, and every relationship, and thank God, because a grateful heart builds relationships!
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