Who Is ‘Called’?

Nov 16, 2021 By Hephzibah Stephen

When evangelists and missionaries tell us that they received a call to be ambassadors for Christ, we feel left out.  It sounds like we are not 'called' to do anything for Christ.  It brings to our mind the question, are only certain people 'called' by God to work for Him? Many people assume that evangelistic or missionary work alone is significant before God, while other jobs are worldly. An article in my NKJV Bible says, even though work is an integral part of life, work alone cannot fully describe the significance of an individual.  There are many other aspects to being a person.  So to define oneself by one's occupation is inadequate.  I cannot but agree with that thought. It tends to place more value on the self than on God, more on activity than on character, and more on success than on relationships. In short, it tends to equate employment with human worth, which is not correct.  According to the Bible, 'calling' describes the responsibility of all believers to serve God with all of their lives.  It is not a vocation or a profession, and no one is exempt!  

We have to patiently sit at the Lord's feet to know God's will for our lives.  No preacher can tell us whether we should be missionaries, doctors, engineers, or teachers.  Firstly, everyone who chooses to be a follower of Christ is called to serve God and others (Acts 1:8; Ephesians 4:1-4; 1 Peter 2:9-10). Secondly, every believer is called to be a saint, becoming like Christ (Rom 1:7;  1 Cor 1:2; 1 Peter 1:15; 3:9).  Living as a believer means resisting the temptation to turn away from His way. It involves fleeing evil and pursuing good.  It means being faithful even in little things. It means developing holiness in thought, word, and deed.  Only then can we be salt and light and make a difference in this world. 

My friend, if you are a believer in Christ, you have the same, significant calling as any other believer in Christ, no matter your occupation. Calling is not just a matter of what job one has; it means living as a child of God, seeking holiness, and serving God.  The question for us today is, is that the calling we are pursuing?

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