Wisdom from the Book of Kings

Jan 18, 2022 By Hephzibah Stephen

As I completed the study of  2 Kings in my quiet time, I sat reflecting on my lessons.  Dates, names, genealogies of Kings and their enemies filled my head.  The Holy Spirit has some lessons to learn, examples to avoid and emulate amidst the many details!  The book of Kings is an excellent reminder of the daily pitfalls we face.

First and foremost, what struck me was the role of wisdom in our lives.  Life is easier with the wisdom of God!  The Bible says in Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction”!  When God offered Solomon anything he wanted, he wisely chose wisdom because he knew that his job as the King would be easier with wisdom.  We need the wisdom of God to choose right constantly.  The book of Kings continually reminds us that we must serve the Living God alone.  We must not serve the false gods of prestige, power, position, money, and worldly things.  Another lesson that came through was that even the strongest and the Godliest of people could face severe discouragement, as we see in the life of Prophet Elijah.  Most importantly, we learn that disobedience to God will bring our downfall.  Some kings began well but did not finish well!

But God does not abandon us when we make wrong choices.  He sends us warnings through His Word, our friends, and circumstances, just like He sent His prophets to warn the Kings of long ago.  It is sad to read the history of Israel and Judah and their fall because of their sin. They serve as an excellent warning for us today.  If we do not heed the warnings and change our ways, we are sure to reap the consequences!  Life is too complex and the road too unknown.  Becoming wiser is as simple as asking God for wisdom, reading God's Word daily, and applying what the Holy Spirit teaches us to our problems and choices.

My friend, as we come to the end of 2 Kings, the story does not end here for Israel.  God's promises to David and his family line still stand.  There is always hope with Jesus!  Keep believing and keep walking with the King so that we can finish well!

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