Sustaining Grace!

Apr 18, 2023

We begin to read a book but do not finish it.  We start a needlework project but do not complete it.  We create a fitness regime but do not stick with it and finish.  We have all been there and we know how that feels!  Many will be at the starting point of a marathon, but at the finish line, only a few appear.  Many left the land of Egypt, but only two entered Canaan. Many will have similar experiences.  The Bible says, "… He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6).  Whatever God starts, He finishes!  God began the creation work, and He finished.  God planned a way for our salvatio...

Resurrection of Jesus!

Apr 11, 2023

What does the resurrection day stand for?  It stands for an empty tomb that provides hope in a hopeless world.  It stands for a new life, eternal life.  Jesus Christ, through His resurrection, is referred to as the first fruit.  1 Cor 15:20 says, "But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep."  The resurrected Jesus appeared to Mary and many others.  And millions of people down the centuries have met Jesus firsthand, followed Him, and let Him transform their lives.  This resurrection day, the Lord who moved the stone that day is here with us, willing to move the stones in our life if we would only let Him be the...

If that isn't Love ...

Apr 04, 2023

Our choirmaster, Emmanuel Ponraj (The Redeemer's Church, Anna Nagar, Chennai), has selected an excellent song for our Passion song service.  The song 'If that isn't love' was composed and set to music by Dottie Rambo (1934-2008).  Every time I sing this song in our practice sessions, it tears my eyes; to think of the love Jesus had for me to endure the agony of the Cross is overwhelming!  This song talks about the love Jesus has for us, which made Him leave His place in heaven, to die on the Cross.  Jesus even remembered the thief hanging beside Him.  Jesus was obedient to the Father to the point of sacrificing His life.  Philippians 2:8 says, "He humbled himself by becoming obedient...


Mar 28, 2023

Some people say that the same crowd that shouted: "Hosanna" (Matthew 21:9) cried out, "Crucify Him!" (Mark 15:13) a week later.  But I think the crowds were majorly different.  The crowd that followed Jesus must have seen and experienced the miracles and messages of Jesus.  Those who wanted to crucify Jesus were the Jewish leaders who did not like the claims of Jesus.  As the reputation of Jesus as a healer and miracle worker spread, the crowds come to Him in more significant numbers, prompting the Jewish leaders to despise Him more.  Palm Sunday reminds us that the reign of Christ is far greater than any man's mind could ever imagine or think.


If that isn’t Love…

Mar 28, 2023

Our choirmaster, Emmanuel Ponraj (The Redeemer's Church, Anna Nagar, Chennai), has selected an excellent song for our Passion song service.  The song 'If that isn't love' was composed and set to music by Dottie Rambo (1934-2008).  Every time I sing this song in our practice sessions, it tears my eyes; to think of the love Jesus had for me to endure the agony of the Cross is overwhelming!  This song talks about the love Jesus has for us, which made Him leave His place in heaven, to die on the Cross.  Jesus even remembered the thief hanging beside Him.  Jesus was obedient to the Father to the point of sacrificing His life.  Philippians 2:8 says, "He humbled himself by becoming obedient...


Mar 21, 2023

People often get confused with salvation or justification and sanctification.  There is nothing we can do to obtain salvation.  Salvation is free, and we are saved by God's grace alone!  Jesus did whatever was needed on the Cross.  Justification happens all at once; sanctification occurs over a lifetime.  A Preacher said the process of sanctification could be compared to an iceberg, which is almost 90% underwater.  As the sun shines on the iceberg, the exposed part melts, moving the lower part upward.  In the same way, we are usually aware of only a tiny part of our sinfulness and need, which is all we can deal with at any time.  However, as the light of God works in our l...

Change of Heart

Mar 14, 2023

Heart transplants are increasingly more common today than several years ago.  I came across this account of one of the first heart transplants, which caught my attention.  Thirty-five years ago, surgeon Christiaan Barnard performed the first human heart transplant on Dr. Blaiberg at the Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa.  He transplanted a human heart into Dr. Philip Blaiberg.  After the surgery, it seems Dr. Barnard carried the old heart in a plastic box and showed it to his patient.  The two physicians sat in the hospital bed, examining the scars and thickening of the useless dead heart.  Dr. Barnard said, ‘Dr. Blaiberg, do you realize you are the first man in the history of...

Standing Firm

Mar 07, 2023

In John Bunyan's book, 'The Pilgrim's Progress,' when the main character Christian loses his burden, some angels tell him he is free from his past sins.  They give him some new, clean clothes and a scroll.  The clothing and the scroll are meant to symbolize Christian's salvation.  After receiving the scroll of salvation, it is not easy for Christian to reach the Celestial City.  He meets several characters that try to lead him astray.  But Christian continues, enduring harassment and threats from demons and monsters as he travels through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.  Christian has to overcome Despair, Diffidence and persevere with great focus to reach the Celestial City.  Some...

Jesus, The Door

Feb 28, 2023

John Bunyan's 'The Pilgrim's Progress' is an exciting book where the characters have interesting names.  Bunyan writes that the character Ignorance, who accompanied the two travelers, Christian and Hopeful, to the Celestial City, goes up to the Pearly Gates but cannot enter the City of gold!  He is seized by the order of God and tossed through a door into Hell.  Into Hell right from the Gates of the Celestial City!   After taking up the long and arduous journey, Ignorance lands in Hell because he did not collect the scroll at the Wicket-Gate!  The Wicket-Gate symbolizes Jesus Christ as the savior of sinners.  Ignorance claims that he lives a good, religious life and is confident that thi...

Deny yourself

Feb 21, 2023

Every year when the Lenten season comes around, everyone starts thinking about what each one can live without for a while!  Some try to live without non-vegetarian food, while others try to be without wearing flowers.  Jesus told His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me" (Mt. 16:24-27).  Just hearing these words is difficult, and implementing them is far more difficult.  And yet, 'self-denial' is right there, and not just once, but repeated in the Gospels.  The world advocates only 'self-fulfillment'  and 'self-actualization' and never 'self-denial.'  I do not think Jesus meant living without so...