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Zephaniah's Message
- Mar 04, 2025
Clothed with Christ
- Feb 25, 2025
Jesus, did You see that?
- Feb 18, 2025
Unrecognized Treasure!
One day in 1799, twelve-year-old Conrad Reed found a large yellow rock-like substance shining in the water in Little Meadow Creek, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Conrad retrieved it and found it to be some metal. The huge wedge-shaped nugget weighed 17 pounds! He showed the rock to his father, John Reed, who, unable to identify it, immediately used it as a doorstop! There it sat as a door-stopper for three years unnoticed while the Reeds tended their farm. In 1802, John showed the 'doorstop' to a jeweler in Fayetteville, who recognized the metal as gold! The Reeds had the seventeen-pound golden nugget all along, but they never realized its value, so they did not benefit. T...
The Test of Obedience!
The Hebrew word Eden means 'delight and pleasure' and is symbolic of the ultimate source of all delight and pleasure. It was a perfect world created by God for Man. Adam's work was also pleasurable. Fruit-bearing trees filled the garden. All that Adam and Eve saw were theirs. God Himself walked with them every evening. While God allowed Adam and Eve to enjoy every tree, He forbade them to partake of one tree! That was His command and the Lord followed it with a pronouncement of punishment to impress upon them the importance of that command! I do not know if that forbidden tree had magical properties, but I believe it was a test of obedience! What G...
The Lord will go before you!
Since I enrolled myself in a program, 'Understanding Genesis 1-11' conducted by THEOn ( Theology online), I started reading Genesis afresh again! The creation story not only brings out God's power and plan but also displays God's very nature! God created all that we see from nothing (ex-nihilo). The order of Creation speaks volumes about God's heart. God created the environment needed to sustain life in the first three days. God created the sun and moon on the fourth day to mark the seasons, days, and years. All living beings need a twenty-four-hour cycle of day and night; that is why God created the sun and moon before He created the living beings. On the fifth day, Go...
He will watch over you!
When I worked in Hindustan Teleprinters, I was deputed to London to attend a Networking training in August 1985. On June 23, 1985, Air India Flight 182 on the Montreal–London–Delhi–Bombay route was blown off the sky over the Atlantic Ocean due to a bomb blast killing all 329 people on board. This was the deadliest aviation terrorism at that time! I had never been on a flight until then, and I had to travel to London alone. On top of it, the Madras-Bombay flight was extremely bumpy. I felt the plane would drop out of the sky any minute! As I was waiting to board the London-bound flight in Bombay, I prayed, 'Lord, I cannot endure this kind of anxiety for nine hours. Calm...
A fruit-bearing Life!
We carried out some extensive maintenance works around the house, because of which we had to move some plants around and re-plant them. It is a joy to see the plants come to life and produce new leaves after being re-planted. The leaves do not appear immediately. The plant has to develop roots below the ground, and only then leaves appear! Remember, always roots before shoots! In Psalm 1, when the Psalmist describes the life of a blessed person, he says, "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season.." (Psalm 1:3) Being like a fruitful tree is, of course, a metaphor, a picture, but what does this picture teach us?
The Robe of Righteousness
Jesus taught many essential truths by way of parables. Parables are small stories drawn from the daily life of the Jews of Jesus' time, focussing on one truth. In the parable of the wedding feast, Jesus tells the story of a king whose son was getting married. The King sent out many wedding invitations, but not a single guest showed up on the big day. When the King sent out his servants to find out what was happening with the guests, they found them unwilling to go. The King was furious and sent the servants out again to invite anyone they saw on the streets to the wedding. Then the wedding was full of guests. It was a custom in those days for the bridegroom to send a wedding...
Jesus is all you need!
I read a Russian story last week. There was a big apartment house, and many lived there. The apartment building had a basement, and they all put their junk in it. There was a beautiful harp in the basement, but it was broken, and nobody could repair it. Once there came a tramp who said, 'May I sleep this night in your house? There is such a terrible snowstorm.' And they said, 'We have no guest rooms, but you can sleep in the basement.' After some hours, they suddenly heard beautiful music from the basement, and the harp owner recognized it. He ran down and asked, 'How could you repair that harp?' And the man said, 'I have made this harp, and when you have made something, you can also re...
Let your light so shine…
One of the worst Home Improvement projects for plants is painting works! All pots must be moved and relocated, which is never a good thing for the plants. However much you may tell the workers that the plants are essential for you, the plants get piled one on top of the other and poorly treated! We have a Jasmine creeper in our garden, and through everything around it, it still managed to put forth flowers and spread its fragrance. And that plant taught me a lesson! The purpose of the Jasmine plant was to flower and spread its fragrance. It accomplished its goal even when no one watered it. Even when the painters dumped the pots at their roots, the Jasmine plant bloomed...
We celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversaries, which mark the beginning of a new year in our lives. These are times we often look back and take stock of our lives and make new decisions! Entering the land promised to Abraham also marked a new beginning for the Israelites. On the banks of river Jordan, Joshua urges the people saying, "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you" (Josh 3:5). In Lev 11:44, the Bible gives the reason for this command, "… you are to sanctify yourselves and be holy because I am holy". The Bible also says, "Consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow" (Josh 7:13). So Jo...
Dangerous Questions!
Our son loves driving long distances. From the time the grandchildren are born, they are used to long drives by car. Whenever we visited the US, we used to accompany them on their travel and see various places. When the children were young, they used to ask a question repeatedly. That question was, 'Are we there yet?' Every half-hour or so, they will ask the same question, and finally, my son would say, 'I will tell you when we get there. Look outside and enjoy the ride!' Being strapped to a car seat has its challenges! The Jewish people during the time of Prophet Malachi had questions to God. They were not silly and annoying questions but dangerous ques...
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Zephaniah's Message
- Mar 05, 2025
Clothed with Christ
- Feb 26, 2025
Jesus, did You see that?
- Feb 19, 2025
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