Clothed with Christ

Feb 26, 2025 By Hephzibah Stephen

For some, getting ready to go out is a highly complex process.  


First, the saree or the dress must be chosen with the occasion in mind, and then matching jewels must be worn.  Then comes the hairdo and flowers.  Last but not the least is the matching handbag and footwear! Then, of course, the perfume and make-up!  No wonder it takes such a long time!


The Bible has some advice on what we should be wearing.


The Bible says in Colossians 3:12-16, "Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, …  But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.  And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, …  and be thankful.  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly …"


While we must always be modestly dressed, we are called to clothe ourselves with Christ since we are His children by faith (Galatians 3:26-27).  'Clothed with Christ' means displaying the character of Christ in our everyday living.  It means a more profound internal transformation where our thoughts, motivations, and attitudes align with Christ's character. 


That is the challenge for us today.


'Being clothed with Christ' refers to the challenge of living a life that reflects the character and values of Jesus Christ in every aspect of our daily lives.  We must constantly strive to show His qualities like love, compassion, humility, and forgiveness, even in difficult situations.  


Let us ask ourselves some difficult questions today! 


Is my heart filled with forgiveness, acceptance, and love towards all?  Are we kind, merciful, and compassionate to the helpers and people in our lives?  Are truth, honesty, and integrity reflected in all my dealings?  Are we grateful to the Lord for everything, or are we grumbling always?  Are we generous with our God-given resources supporting the needy and the downtrodden?  These are some questions we have to answer today!


My friend, many will never get to read the Bible or listen to a sermon.  We are the ones called to show them Christ through our lives!  It is not a one-time effort but a daily commitment to put on Christ. 


Prayer:  Lord, help me take my life as Your child seriously.  Unless I live like I am 'clothed with Christ,' there is no point in calling myself a believer.  Help me, Lord Jesus, to be like You.  Amen.

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