I can be categorized as a Type A personality, but these traits vary from person to person. When I think of myself, I am pretty driven and task-oriented. I usually start the day with a to-do list since I am well organized. In my life, everything has a place, and everything has to be in its place! I cannot sit when things are lying around or have much to do. These traits contribute to a lot of unnecessary stress, and as such, I can readily identify with Martha! In the first-century home without any modern gadgets, cooking for a group from scratch is a great challenge, and it is no wonder Martha was irritated with Mary. It was not that Mary was lazy, but Mary sat at Jesus' feet. Martha did nothing wrong in working hard for Jesus. Martha’s problem was that she became distracted with much serving; she was distracted from Jesus. Martha's frustration is typical of those who diligently serve with good intent but forget to also sit at Jesus' feet.
The reason for Jesus appointing the twelve is "that they might be with Him and that He might send them …" (Mark 3:14). Being with Jesus is the first important purpose for choosing the twelve. It is just as important as being 'sent' by Jesus to preach, heal, and drive out demons! Sometimes we are so 'distracted' by the preaching and other ministry opportunities that we miss sitting at the feet of Jesus. Martha's problem was not Mary. Martha's problem was she took her eyes and ears off Jesus. We are so happy to be 'doing' things for God all the time that we lose focus of our primary calling of 'being with Him .'Satan knows this very well, so he keeps us BUSY – Bound Under Satan's Yoke! While ministry is essential, we should never sacrifice our quiet and personal time with God! Spurgeon says, 'The way to get the revival is to begin at the Master's feet; you must go there with Mary, and afterward, you may work with Martha.' Let not the devil fool us, saying we are constantly working for the Lord, so the Lord would understand if we have no time to sit still in God's presence and meditate upon His Word.
My friend, choose to spend time with Jesus every day! While working for God is essential, never sacrifice being with Jesus! May the Lord be our Helper!
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