That I may not cause pain…

Jan 22, 2019 By Hephzibah Stephen

The prayer of Jabez became famous suddenly a few years back and everything from wall hangings to promise cards to read, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory…." (1 Chronicles 4:10). We do not have much information about Jabez. We know that he belonged to the tribe of Judah. The Bible tells us that he was more honorable than his brothers and that his mother called his name Jabez because she bore him in pain. The Bible also tells us that Jabez called on the God of Israel. Jabez prayed seeking God's blessing, and he listed four ways by which those blessings be bestowed upon him - that God's hand would be with him; that God would enlarge his territory; that God would keep him from evil; and that he may not cause pain (NKJV)! And God granted him what he prayed for!

The Jewish writers affirm that he was an eminent person, that a town was called by his name (1 Ch 2:55) where many scribes resided. The critical circumstance that marked his birth resulted in his name (compare Gen 35:15), and yet, when he became distinguished and honorable, his mother must have found satisfaction that compensated for all her early trials! What Jabez prayed for reveals a lot about his heart and his faith! His prayer which is recorded here seems to have been uttered when he was embarking on a critical mission, for the successful execution of which he placed confidence neither on his own nor his people's prowess, but solely on the Lord. The purpose, in all probability, might have been the expulsion of the Canaanites from his territory, a war which God Himself had commanded.

Of all the blessings Jabez prayed for, what touched my heart was his prayer that he may not cause pain! Children cause pain to the parents when they do not do what is right. Adult children cause way more pain! We cause pain within our marriage when we do not accept the other person as they are. When we get caught up in sin, we hurt the people we love. Many times, we are oblivious to the pain we cause others. We hurt people not only with our words and actions but also with our unloving and unforgiving attitude.

My friend, let us today ask the Lord to make us more like Him, spreading love, comfort, and consolation and not cause pain. May the Lord grant us our prayer!

Categories: Weekly DevotionalsAuthor: Hephzibah StephenDate: 22nd January 2019 Share: newsletterDisplay date: 23rd January 2019

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