Praying without Ceasing!

Jul 25, 2022

"Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17) is a verse that puzzles us always.  Did Jesus pray nonstop?  The Bible says (Luke 2) that Jesus was a carpenter, helping out his father before being baptized by John in the Jordan River.  Indeed this work must have prevented Jesus from continuous prayer, yet this Bible verse challenges us to pray continuously, to cover every moment with prayer.  When we are called to live everyday lives, how is it possible to pray without ceasing?  That is the question we have to answer today.  While working in HTL, Chennai, I used to drive to work whenever the car was available.  One day I was driving to work with a distressed heart.  Sittin...

Intercessory Prayers!

Jul 19, 2022

In his own words, Amos was no prophet, nor was he a son of a prophet, but was a sheep breeder and a tender of sycamore fruit (Amos 7:14).  He was from Tekoa, a small town in Judah, the southern kingdom.  But God chose Amos to deliver His warning messages to the northern kingdom and the surrounding nations.  Amos went to Bethel from Tekoa, delivered his message, and returned to his business!  The Lord showed Amos some visions of His impending judgment in the event Israel did not heed His warnings, repent and return to Him.  What is amazing about Amos is his intercessory prayer.  Amos not only delivered God's message to the people but also interceded for them.  The Lord showed Amos th...

The Day of the Lord!

Jul 12, 2022

The Day of the Lord is a major theme of Old Testament prophecy.  It is not an isolated or a single event in human history.  It describes any period in which God 'comes down in a dramatic way to bring wrath and judgment and awaken the hearts to repentance.  Joel wrote to call Israel to repentance (Joel 2:12) based on its experience of the recent locust plague.  In some contexts, the Day of the Lord also includes deliverance and restoration for the righteous.  The day of the Lord speaks not only of future judgment but also of future hope, prosperity, and blessing too.  When the plague of locusts and the drought devastated Judah, you might have thought that Joel would speak words of encouragement.  He could have said, '...

Lesson from the Life of Hosea!

Jul 06, 2022

Hosea ministered as a prophet in a time of relative peace and prosperity but rampant wickedness.  God knew it would take a rude wake-up call to move this wayward nation of Israel to repentance.  God delivered the shock through the life of Hosea.  Every relationship has its own set of problems but marriage being the most sacred and intimate of all relationships, unfaithfulness in this relationship is most hurtful!  That is why God chose this relationship to teach the people of Israel an object lesson through the life of Hosea.   Just as Gomer dishonored the marriage covenant, the nation of Israel dishonored its covenant with God.  Gomer’s adultery and the names of her children (“not loved...


Jun 28, 2022

I have heard many sermons preached on the life and character of Daniel. But when a friend of mine pointed out a certain incident in his life, it was truly an eye-opener. Daniel was just 16 years old when he was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon. The chief of the eunuchs in Nebuchadnezzar's court (Dan 1:7) even gave them new names! Daniel's Jewish name meant ‘God is my Judge'. The name given to Daniel by the Babylonians was, Belteshazzar which meant, 'Lady Protect the King' referring to the goddess Sarpanitu, wife of Marduk. The Babylonians gave similar names after their gods to Daniel's friends also.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech in his article on the ‘Judaism and the Power of Names' says that in the Hebrew culture names were co...

Idols of the Heart!

Jun 21, 2022

Ezekiel was a priest among the Jewish captives carried away to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar.  God turned this priest into a prophet and made him prophesy to the exiles at about the same time Jeremiah was prophesying in Judah.  Jeremiah's prophecies reminding the people of their wickedness resulted in their captivity in Babylon.  Even after suffering much, the people did not realize their wickedness.  The elders who were the leaders of the Israelite community in exile came to Ezekiel to hear God's word to them as though they wanted to listen to the word and obey that word!  The Lord who sees the heart said, "Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their hearts, and put before them th...


Jun 13, 2022

The Bible is an amazing book. It not only records the lives of great people like Abraham, David and others but it also records events from the lives of insignificant people- the slaves, the women, the gentiles and the downtrodden. And there are lessons to be learned from every word of what is recorded in the scriptures!

We read about Ebed-Melech in the 38th chapter of the book of Jeremiah. Ebed-Melech was an Ethiopian eunuch in the court of king Zedekiah. The name simply means 'servant of the king.' Even if it was his proper name, it shows that he had no identity of his own. Being a foreigner Ebed-Melech was excluded from the temple and many of the Jewish rituals.

At this point in the history of Judah, the princes had imprisoned Jeremiah becaus...

Pain is a Blessing!

Jun 07, 2022

Though born in India in 1914, Dr. Paul Brand studied medicine in England and came to CMC, Vellore, in 1946.  My father-in-law had the opportunity to work with Dr. Brand as his Executive Assistant in CMC throughout his tenure in India.  Working with Dr. Brand changed my father-in-law's views on leprosy and the people who suffered from it forever.  Pain is not something that most of us would count as a blessing.  However, in his book 'Fearfully and Wonderfully Made' Dr. Brand says that pain is one of God's great gifts to us.  Many think a painless life is the best, but they do not realize that pain is the body's built-in warning system that something is wrong that has to be fixed.  Pain is inde...

The Crossroads!

May 31, 2022

We have all been at crossroads in our lives at some point.   In 1997, while working in HTL, I got an offer from my husband's cousin to start a company in India.  Leaving a secure job was a big decision, and I asked God for a sign.  God granted the sign I prayed for, and that decision later paved the way for registering another company in 1999 (EC Group Datasoft Private Ltd.) with an American partner!  The company is doing well after 21 years!  Looking back, I can only praise God.  I am not suggesting that we have to ask for a sign from God for every decision!  When we are at crossroads, we must wait on the Lord, pray and seek His will and guidance well before we decide to take...

Giving to the Lord!

May 24, 2022

What is the proper amount to give to the Lord?  Tithing itself is an Old Testament idea, so how can the New Testament Church practice it?  These are some questions I often get from people.  Some want to satisfy their conscience by giving the bare minimum prescribed to the Lord, like paying the income tax!  There is another group of people who want to give and get back more from God!  Just like sowing and reaping, they want to give one hundred rupees and get back returns one hundred times more, as in a business operation!  I believe the question of giving to the Lord needs to be understood before we start giving. 

We can learn a few les...