From whence comes my help?
Covid had paralyzed the travel industry for almost two years and once the borders were opened for International travel, we too decided to travel to the US to be with our children. After coming to the US, all of us got affected by Covid and as we slowly recovered, I had to be rushed to the hospital with chest pain for another stent! Through every ordeal, the Lord sustained us through His Word. Whether we are in India or America, whether we are at home or the hospital, there is only one who is always by our side. The Bible says the Lord will not allow my foot to be moved for the one who keeps me will not slumber or sleep (Psalm 121). The LORD is my keeper and my help comes from the Lord who created...
A Russian Christmas Story!
I had heard this story from someone and it had made such an impact on my heart that I never forgot it! In 1994 two Americans answered an invitation from the Russian Department of Education to teach morals and ethics based on biblical principles in the public schools and orphanages. During Christmas time that year, they told the story of Christmas in an orphanage. After the story, the children were given some cardboard to make a crude manger. One of the Americans walked around to see if anyone needed help. When he came to the table where little Misha sat, the American was shocked to see two babies in the manger. Calling for a translator, the American asked little Misha the reason for two babies in the manger.
Signs are important. Before making big decisions, we pray and sometimes ask God for signs. Regarding the birth of Jesus, God gave many signs. The Second coming is another important event, and Jesus himself has given the signs of the end times in Matthew 24. Sometimes, people asked God for a sign. We read the story of Gideon in Judges Ch 4. Gideon asked God for a sign to know that God would save Israel by Gideon's hand. King Hezekiah asked God for a sign of his healing (2 Kings 20: 1-10).
In Luke's Gospel (Lk.2:4-14), we see the story of the birth of Jesus. Mary gave birth to her Son in a cowshed. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid Him...
In Mt 5:16 Jesus talks about our light - "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and honor your father in heaven". In Ps 43:3, the Psalmist talks about the Lord's light - "Send forth Your light and Your truth. Let them guide me. Let them bring me to Your holy mountain". In John 8:12 Jesus says, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." Jesus is the light of the world and if we truly follow Him, we will also have the same light! What a beautiful thought! Every believer gets this light from the Lord.
The creation story gives us a beautiful picture in Gen 1:14. God created two l...
Three different messages were given on that very first Christmas morn. To the shepherds, the message was “Fear not, a Saviour is born” (Luke 2:10-12). To Herod, the message was, “The King is born” (Matthew 2:1-4). To the wise men the message was, "Seek him". All three recipients 'received ' the message differently. Herod was the King of Judea at the time of Jesus' birth. When Herod was told that a king was born, he was troubled and threatened. The Shepherds were an obscure set of people about whom nobody cared. When the angels announced of the birth of a 'Saviour' in the city of David, the shepherds were filled with joy and expectation! The wise men from the east must have been lookin...
The Door was Shut!
Advent is when we remember the birth of Jesus as Savior of Mankind and prepare ourselves for His second coming as the Judge! It is appropriate to celebrate thanksgiving around this time since we are thankful for Jesus' sacrifice assuring us of the forgiveness of sins. Jesus prepared His disciples then and us now for His second coming. Jesus explained His second coming through many parables. Every Parable did not cover ALL aspects of His second coming, but every Parable highlighted something. The Parable of the ten virgins stressed being ready, ready for the arrival of Christ as King. (Mt. 25: 1-11). All the ten virgins were special. All had wedding garments on. All had lighted lamps, and all of them slept wh...
Who Is ‘Called’?
When evangelists and missionaries tell us that they received a call to be ambassadors for Christ, we feel left out. It sounds like we are not 'called' to do anything for Christ. It brings to our mind the question, are only certain people 'called' by God to work for Him? Many people assume that evangelistic or missionary work alone is significant before God, while other jobs are worldly. An article in my NKJV Bible says, even though work is an integral part of life, work alone cannot fully describe the significance of an individual. There are many other aspects to being a person. So to define oneself by one's occupation is inadequate. I cannot but agree with that thought. It tends to place more val...
In some cultures, including Europe, China, Africa, and North and South America the foot of a rabbit is carried as an amulet and is believed to bring good luck. Some believe hanging a horseshoe facing upwards in a ‘U’ shape will keep evil out and bring good luck. Conversely, they say hanging it upside down will have luck flowing out! During my college days, if I did the first examination well, then I will consider that sari a lucky sari and wear the same sari to the next five exams! Looking back I can see the stupidity of my actions! To get good marks one does not need a lucky sari but diligent preparation!
When the people of Israel entered the Promised Land, the Ark of the Covenant which signif...
A Heart open to God!
Every morning we read terrible news in the papers and through the electronic media. Sometimes it is very difficult even to watch the news. When we read of children being raped, women murdering their husbands, families committing suicides due to debt, and the gruesome honor killings we think the society has gone down way beyond redemption. The decline of the moral and ethical fabric of the society we live in is horrific. What is morally and ethically wrong is celebrated and what is right is mocked. How should we live in such a society? Should we shout from the rooftop that what everyone is doing is wrong?
The Bible has recorded two inc...
The walls of Jericho
A friend of ours was struggling with a relationship problem between her son and her husband. I do not know how it all started but by the time the son came to the college, they were not on speaking terms. Any communication, if at all, had to be through his mother! It was a burden for her and so she fervently prayed for restoration. Many discouraged her saying since her son has already entered the college, restoration of that relationship would never happen. But she did not lose hope and prayed every day for restoration. When her son was in the second year of his Engineering, her husband met with a small road accident and broke his leg. After a short period of hospitalization, he had to r...